Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hit the Ground Running

Sunset on the Yangtze
“I can more or less continue my life. I can give in or I can try. Hit the ground running, hit the ground running for your life” Tim Finn

Believe me that is what I did last year when I arrived in China and absolutely what I did this year as well. I was so impressed with my body for not having jet lag. UNTIL, yesterday, when I hit “the wall”. I don’t know the exact number of hours I slept yesterday because it was interspersed with bouts of being charming for the passengers, but I think I slept more than I was awake.

I try to learn a few new facts about China and/or a few new words/phrases in Mandarin every day that I am here. So far, so good, but we shall save the vocabulary lesson for a later blog.  My 115 member crew is a great resource so here are some fun China facts  --- in no particular order of hilarity or “things that make you go “hmmmm”:
1. Dead Pigs. Nothing shouts, “READ ME” by being a blog about dead swine! NBC news headline: “China river's dead pig toll passes 13,000 but officials say water quality is 'normal'” In the Huangpu River, there were a crazy amount of dead pigs pulled out of the river. This river supplies over 1/5 of all the drinking water in Shanghai.  Luckily, I am on the Yangtze River, however, note to self, don’t drink the water in Shanghai if I ever go back there. Supposedly the pigs contracted some type of virus, the porcine circovirus….which I’ve named the porcupine circus virus. My favorite quote of the day: “The government is as corrupt as these dead pigs”…..Ah, politics!
2. Pollution. Speaking of naming things, the Chinese have actually named their “dusty weather”, or as we call it, pollution. The Chinese word is: Mai. I agree that “There’s so much Mai today” sounds way better that “There is so much pollution today”!
3. New President , Xi Jinping . He gave his first speech a few days ago. Funny, that I am starting my blog out with political items, since I rarely, if ever, talk politics, but I  find some aspects of the political process very curious – I just know not to talk about it around the family dinner table. I was here last year for the Chinese elections, which happen every 10 years. I asked my River Guide Steven what he thought about the new President because in all the news I’ve seen…..ok, just CNN….they are reporting that the Chinese really like him. Well, Steven didn’t seem to have an opinion. He said that most Chinese don’t care much about politics, they just care about how good their daily lives are. Okay. He also told me they get paid to vote [maybe 5-10 yuan], but for a lot of people it costs at least that, if not more, to take transportation to get somewhere to vote.  The Chinese don’t actually vote for their President directly…..shocking, I know!! They vote for village leaders, who vote for “county” leaders, who vote for regional leaders, who vote for the President!

3. Alcohol. I saw on CNN that China is #2 in the world in total alcohol consumption. No, I don’t know if it that is per capita. They are behind Great Britain and in front of France. That means in the past 3 years I’ve lived in 2 of the top 3 countries for alcohol consumption. That explains a lot!!!

4. No Green Hats! Finally, my favorite new Chinese fact, or perhaps superstition is more apropos. And as it was recently, St. Patty’s Day, I find this especially funny since some of our American pax were wearing green. In China it is taboo to wear a green hat. If you wear a green hat, it means that your spouse has not been loyal.

This blog entry is probably much longer than my future ones will be, but there is so much running through my mind at the moment I just had to spit it all out on paper. Thank you for listening/reading!